July 31 – September 4, 2022
Lowell Davies Festival Theatre
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Patricia McGregor
Fall under the spell of Shakespeare’s most joyful and popular comedy. Filled with magic, humor, music, and spectacle, the merriment unfolds in an enchanted forest where fairies play tricks on unsuspecting lovers and bumbling actors are transformed beyond their wildest dreams. With a magic potion that grants love at first sight, anything can, and does, happen!
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is supported by lead production sponsor Darlene Marcos Shiley, with additional support from Ann Davies, Globe Guilders, Gillian and Tony Thornley, Vicki and Carl Zeiger, and artist sponsors Sue and Edward “Duff” Sanderson (for director Patricia McGregor). This production is supported in part by the Jean and Gary Shekhter Fund for Classic Theatre.
Vicki and Carl Zeiger Insights Seminar: Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
Tickets are currently available by subscription only. Click here for more information!