Online and In-Store at Ralph’s!
With your online profile, you can link your Ralph’s Rewards card/profile to SDSS, and with each purchase, we receive a small donation. You can search by our name or number below.
Our Organization Number: KF686
Here’s what it’ll look like when you’re all complete!
This adds no additional cost to your purchases!
Amazon – sadly, the Smile program ended in February 2023. Thank you to all those who participated and your support over the years!
With just the click of a button, you can support us through ALL your purchases on Amazon.
Be sure that you always visit (and not just to ensure we receive credit. It’s the exact same site!
This adds no cost to your order!
Support via the Amazon app too!
- Open the Amazon app on your phone
- Select the main menu (=) and tap on “AmazonSmile” within Programs & Features
- Select “San Diego Shakespeare Society Inc” as your charity
- Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app